A-MAZE-N Tube Smoker
12" size only $40
12" Tube Smoker produces smoke for up to 4 hours during Cold Smoking, and up to 4 hours while supplementing smoke @ 225°+ in your smoker.
The A-MAZE-N-TUBE-SMOKER(AMNTS)Patent Pending was designed to burn pellets and supplement smoke at higher temps, in Pellet Grills/Smokers. This is where most pellet grills/smokers do not produce much smoke. The AMNTS adds additional smoke at cooking temps, regardless if your pellet grill/smoker is burning pellets or not. It can also be used in many other types of smokers or grills, where grate space is limited. Just like the other smokers we sell, the AMNTS will produce great smoke for cold smoking as well. The 12" AMNTS will burn up to 4 hours and the 18" AMNTS will burn for up to 6 hours, depending on the smoker temps, type of pellets and draft inside your smoker.
A-MAZE-N Smoking Pellets
A-MAZE-N-PELLETS are made from 100% Flavor Wood. Each A-MAZE-N-PELLET flavor is a 100% natural product with no added fillers, binders or oils. For example, if you order Apple, you get 100% Apple Wood in the pellet, not 20% - 30% Apple Wood and 70% - 80% Oak or Alder.
NEW "Pitmaster's Choice" Pellets are a perfect balance of Cherry, Hickory, and Maple, to give your food a wonderful smoked flavor.
STANDARD PELLETS =Cherry, Hickory, Pitmaster’s Choice (Cherry-Hickory-Maple blend)
SPECIALTY PELLETS =Alder, Apple, Beech, Chili Pepper, Corn Cob, Garlic, Italian, Mesquite, Pecan, Plum Apple, Red Wine Apple, Sweet Grapevine =ALL SPECIAL ORDER
Standard 2 lb=$8, 5 lb =$18
Specialty 2 lb=$10, 5 lb =$22